Sunday, February 19, 2017

Jonathan, Kendrianne and Leanne have left on the shuttle bus to the airport. So it's just me and Molly writing the blog this week. Leanne is back visiting her Mum in Ladner for the next 2 weeks.

It's been a busy one and I think J & K had a good time. Unfortunately their last full day yesterday was a wash out with a rare winter 'storm' bringing a load of rain in the afternoon. So we played Exploding Kittens to pass a few hours before heading down for a couple of IPAs and a last Margarita from Jorge.

The previous week contained lots of good food. We had the pizza oven going again with spectacular results - we learned a lot from the first go and it didn't stick this time. Valentine's Day we stayed at home and had some great steaks on the bbq from our friendly (3 fingered) butcher. Lunches at McFisher and dinner Friday night at Sortis were both highlights too. Last night we managed to get the bbq going despite the dampness and cooked a whole flattened chicken, with fresh tuna tostadas to start. But we had to move the table in because it was a bit too chilly to eat outside! I may have to go on a diet this week - probably not.

Here are the photos, there are a couple from the week before that we didn't get around to posting - disco night at El Rollo was great fun for Georgina's birthday.
getting the fire going for Monday Night Pizza

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it had to be ham & pineapple!

Where's the beer?

Jonathan's got it all!

Riding the "collectivo" down town

Nice game of golf at Paraiso del Mar

Inspiring food at Sortis

Sortis - #1 in La Paz
typical breakfast moment

Count the fingers...
we were first to leave at 1am

The only 'gringa' in the room

The Pistralian Open made it into the local magazine (that isnt V for victory BTW)
A memorable last day of their holiday

Thursday, February 9, 2017

We said goodbye to Nance & Mary this morning. They have stayed with us off and on for the last 3 weeks, punctuated with their visits to the Espritos Santos Islands and Magdalena Bay to whale watch. We also had a full house earlier this week - with 8 for dinner on Monday night - Janie & Dick Burns, plus friends. Thankfully our furniture arrived from Guadalajara a day early so we could get everything unpacked the day before. My highlight was riding the huge truck up our dirt road  - the photo doesn’t do it justice!
We really feel that the house is coming together now, with something to sit on and pictures on the wall. We also gave the pizza oven its first run on Sunday - it was challenging., but we learned a lot and next time it will be better. (But the pizza tasted great in the end, and I forgot to take a photo) I am going out tomorrow to gather more wood from the surrounding area! 
We’re hoping that the pool will be nice and warm for Jonathan & Kendrianne next week, once Jorge has installed the solar heating panels. It didn’t stop Nance & Mary from taking quite a few dips - followed by hot tub warm ups. 

We are really getting a feel for how good this place will be for entertaining. So get your bookings in!

Who knows...

A great round of golf with Dick, Kris and Blue at Costa Baja

"Listo" for pizza

Oh Edgar the mechanic. You frustrate us but we still love you. Working all Sunday on Stu.

The furniture arrives

Me riding the truck.

The first attempt. The second and third were so good, we forgot to take a photo 

The 'basura guys' 

our original "Cesar's" (the artist from Guadalajara)

They're pretty hardy from Ladner.

A lovely gift - to water the new plants

Hurry up Jorge - I want to swim in warm water!