Monday, November 13, 2017

Back to La Paz - November 2017

We are back in La Paz!

What a summer we had - we were transient to say the least! We counted our moves and discovered we packed and unpacked 16 times in 6 months! Yikes! Not just our clothes, but the Freeman Design Office and Molly the dog! We felt like we were living out of the car on occasion, and certainly living out of a bag most of the time. It had it’s high points, and its challenges, but on the whole the summer was fantastic!  Thanks to our many friends (you know who you are!) who offered us housesitting gigs, and spare bedrooms along the way. 

High points - August 19th - Jonathan and Kendriannes’ wedding…… what a weekend - everything was perfect and they make the most beautiful couple. We could not be prouder of them both and loved every minute of the celebrations.

September 25th - Nicky and Phil’s first child and our first grandchild Rylie Jane Cowan arrived into the world!  10 days late and 9 pounds 4 ounces later the most gorgeous baby EVER is now part of our family. 

We have been back in La Paz for 6 days now and are settling back into our house. After being so nomadic this summer, this really does feel like coming home this time.  Our stuff, our space… lots to do though and learn as we open the house again after being closed for 6 months. No hot water for the first 2 days, hardly any gas in the tank,no internet for a day, some things have rusted and need re-painting….. it’s a learning curve. “Stu” the Subaru started first time though, and is running well (despite all last years challenges)

Yesterday was our first day back with the Mexicans for “Tennis Sunday” and I (Leanne) joined in! I want to learn, and the best way may be to just jump right in there!  Thankfully they are all such kind people, and encouraged me all the way. I need to practice for sure though before next week so I don’t embarrass myself 2 weeks in a row!

We have our first guests arriving this Thursday - Alan and Paul are travelling from Alicante, Spain and will be here for 2 1/2 weeks. We are so excited to see them, and to spend time eating, drinking and being merry! 

Jill and Naveen will also be here for a few days next week before they head to Cabo. And, Nicky, Phil and Rylie are hoping to get here sometime in the next 2 weeks! We will have a house full but the more the merrier!

That’s it for now - Pauls first Big Band Rehearsal tomorrow, and a gig coming up on Saturday with Terry.

Mr & Mrs Freeman

Rylie Jane Cowan

It's hard to think this is only one week ago!

All our stuff in the back of a Mazda - stored in Leanne's Mum's garage

Molly starts her journey back. She's such a good traveller.

Goodbye Vancouver (rain) 
Cocktail hour on the roof! 

Morning walk in the desert

Hard at it again!

Ready for Rylie!

The coveted trophy is up for grabs again!

Thank you Raúl & Georgina for our welcome back flowers.

The Telmex guys, getting it fixed.

There's always a group photo

Leanne's first experience of 'tournament' tennis

Ed - court side
The evening progresses...