Sunday, December 9, 2018

Early December 2018

It’s been almost a month since our last blog post! 

The photos tell the story but suffice to say that life here is never boring! 

We are continuing with our Spanish lessons with teacher Zaira twice per week. We are learning a lot - it is forcing us to practice and she gives us homework too! 

Helga came to visit for just over a week and had a good stay - perfect weather all week.   The Casita is now rented until mid January. 

Paul played both the La Paz Blues Festival and the Todos Santos Blues Festivals last week, and this weekend (tonight!) and tomorrow night playing both the Jazz Festivals as well. 

Things really grew a lot while we were away. So Carlos did some trimming!

With Terry, Mike and Elon at the La Paz Blues Festival.

'Pop-up' food truck - literally popped out of the truck!

What to wear if 'My dog is cold'

Multi-servicios? This mechanic will service anything.

The lovely Lupita our 'fruteria' in the neighbourhood

A visit to 'Ki-Ki's' at the bottom of our road to buy plants.

Jorge's latest venture... 'Que-sabroso' = How Tasty

Full moon rising. 
The owner of this 'segunda' has his house built in, and ready for Christmas!
Big balloons and hat stands anyone?

We had a lovely meal at "Oliva's" - thanks Helga!

Bananas on my mind.

Nativity scene taking shape at the Casa de Cultura.

The Malecon is ready for Christmas

I want this.

Our new 'hero', Lupe. Who fixed our car, and is a cool dude.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Back in La Paz

Back down South and ready to blog!

We arrived back in Mexico Nov 7th after a fantastic summer in Vancouver. There was much to celebrate - Leah & Rob's wedding in England in June, Jonathan and Kendrianne moving into their new house in North Vancouver in July, and Rylie’s first birthday party (Hawaiian Lua theme)  Sept 25th! 

We lived the first part of the summer in a rental suite in Tsawwassen. It was great to be back in our old “hood” and to visit with many of our friends. 

In the September we moved into Jonathan and Kendriannes’ basement suite - LOVED Lynn Valley and North Vancouver!  So nice of them to put up with “Mom and Dad and Molly the dog” downstairs….

Since we arrived there has been lots of activity - Gardeners Carlos and Ramon have been busy  pruning and tidying up the garden,  and tomorrow will be back to build a raised garden so we can start to grow vegetables! 

We went to Raul Jr’s wedding Sat night - a Catholic ceremony but very modern with lively music. We were so honoured to be invited as we were the only “non Mexicans”. The Fiesta afterwards started at 9 pm and we ate dinner at 11:45 pm!!! We were the first to leave at 1:15 am… it was a great party!

Paul is back to Big Band tomorrow and a rehearsal for the Blues Festival which is on the beach this coming Friday night. 

Wednesday we start our first Spanish lesson - it is time to learn the language properly rather than “winging it”! 

Meeting Grandpa for the first time.

Leah & Rob's wedding day in Ripponden

The night before at the "Big Six" pub was epic!

A wedding present was acquired on the way home!

Flower girl Rylie and her assistants

J & K's home in Lynn Valley

First breakfast in the new kitchen

Walking round the seawall on Leanne's birthday.

Lunch in the park with Rylie and "Aba"

"Martini Thursday" on Boundary Bay

Rylie's Hawaiian themed birthday cakes

Her first ever taste of chocolate cake!

In Deep Cove on her actual birthday

Lynn Valley suspension bridge - right outside our door!

Local wild life is literally outside your door - bears too (but no pictures!)

The 'Cow'ans on Halloween in Steveston

Two Nerds in North Vancouver.

BMcG at Frankie's. Im so honoured to play with these guys. 

Still trying to get the gate fixed!

"Pepperoni" was pleased to see Leanne

Getting the bare necessities is important

First Friday Margarita on the roof.

Raúl & Paulina's wedding

The venue was quite something on the inside

Things are livening up!

The happy couple

I think I've found the gold!

Back to tennis at Ed's - what a sunset.

Walmart is getting geared up for the season!

And finally... Rylie