Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 2019

Here is the last blog of the decade! It’s more than ten years since we came to La Paz for the first time. We still love living here and feel so lucky to have landed in such a great place.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Best Wishes from Paul & Leanne (and Molly)

The Cowans finally arrived a couple of days late after Tropical Storm Raymond blew them off course

They soon settled in

Rylie enjoyed her sunset special drinks and snacks

and yummy smores

She was a big help in the garden too.

On rainy days, you have to get creative... 

We hope she hasn't got her heart set on the VW for Christmas

Oakley is turning out very nicely

Our Mexican neighbour is going full on with the festive theme

Stu (the Subaru) meets Kevin (the kayak) for the first time

A perfect morning for a paddle

The Unusual Suspects at Baja Joe's in La Ventana. We broke the record for longest set (2.5 hours!)

Jorge and his new 'mini-me' Nicole

Think the poinsettias at Walmart may have peaked too soon?

Our 'christmas card' from Spain arrived

Santa piñata at the local mini-super. Would it feel right to smash him in the face?

What better way to finish than with a human-sized shrimpy Santa!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

November 2019 - Back to La Paz

Back to the blog again. We've been in La Paz for 2 weeks now. All in all our arrival was pretty smooth, but inevitably there were things that needed sorting out. We finally got the car charged up and going, then the gate seized up and we were stuck at home with very few groceries - cheese toasties 3 times in a row!
The weather is lovely of course... but regular readers will be glad to hear we have had some rain, and more expected tomorrow.
Paul played at the La Paz Blues Festival again yesterday, but the La Ventana version on Sunday has been postponed due to the approach of tropical storm Raymond (very late in the season)
If you are interested with did a Spanish blog over the summer months in Canada.

We were shocked by our Mexican neighbour's new pool lights! Luckily they only have them on once in a while.

Agaves flower with a 15ft stalk. Then they die.

The 'Gate Guy' to the rescue

Termites have destroyed part of our kitchen cabinets!

Always our first place to visit - McFisher's for lunch

Misha weighing up a grouper for the menu

There has been so much rain over the summer, it's really 'lush'

Beautiful moth

In the neighbourhood - the Brutal Gym is next to Alcoholics Anonymous

It's nice to wake up to this.

And the moon rise 11 hours later

Carlos 'the palm guy' has been busy tidying up the garden

Cool new whale shark statue on the Malecon

What can we say... at least they have a marketing plan 

Roadside shopping has peaked pre Christmas

Karen & Celia have started doing house-concerts on a street near us

We watched this storm cloud move away north of us. Lots of lightning, no thunder.

This lot arrive on Sunday evening, if tropical storm Raymond allows. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Vancouver here we come!

Wow …..6 months goes quickly. It has been another fantastic winter here - lots of visitors, music, tennis, Spanish lessons (slowly improving…), and always new experiences and discoveries along the way. 

This last month we had a blast with friends Dina and Simon and also Brian and Cheryl - chillin’ at the pool (it's hot now!), beaches (parties and volunteering for clean ups), boat trips, music festivals, the mandatory Margaritas, Pizza party, and Ed (our neighbour's) 98th birthday party to name a few…..

We fly next week (April 25th). Jonathan and Kendrianne have very kindly allowed us to sneak back into their basement suite in North Vancouver - we hope to “earn our keep”  by helping them re-do their backyard.  

Nicky and Phil are expecting their second baby (a boy!) early August so we are getting excited to be “Aba” and “Abo” to another bundle of joy! Rylie is excited to be a big sister too. 

We will be around until November (except for a quick trip to China in June) so hope to see you over the summer!  Our cell is the same so please get in touch…604-948-8859

Willie's birthday party on the beach at La Ventana. Top class live music.
A cheeky little number on a side street in La Paz. 
With Mike and Willie at the La Paz Blues Festival

Post rehearsal with the Terry Townson Quartet. On the left, Federico Le Penis (actual name!)

Ed's piñata was appropriately a very large bottle of red wine.

Beach clean up - we (the group) amassed 2 tons of basura

We will join the group again next winter.

Woodpecker at the Cactus Santuary

These guys are old (and so are the cactus)
Thank you Cheryl for the beautiful mexican themed quilt!
Sunset on the roof at Harker's

Post-dinner mezcal sampling, with orange slices.

The artist behind all the murals at McFisher is doing several new ones

Mike's boat - Amiga. 

The start of a great day on the water

Dina & Simon surprised us with these lovely turtles!

Folkloric dancing in El Triumfo

The view of the town from the top of the hill

Tequila tasting with Jorge - he just left the bottles on the bar!

It's rare to catch 3 identical pharmacists on the street at one time.

We will miss this place.

See you next November, La Paz

See you next week - cheeky face!