Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 2019

Happy New Year! Can’t believe we are already two weeks into 2019!

Christmas in Vancouver was great. We literally “bed-surfed” between North Vancouver, Ladner and Steveston! There were lots of jokes about us living out of the trunk of the car (which is actually not too far from the truth!) but it worked well. 

Phils' parents Brian and Cheryl were in town and, of course, Rylie was the centre of attention. She really is such a little person now, and fully understood that presents have good stuff inside….. 

Paul flew back to Mexico whilst Andrew, Sandy, Jonathan and I flew off to London, England on our way to Yorkshire for Morigan Wilsons New Years Eve wedding. Jonathan did all the driving (excellent!) and we stopped our first night in Cambridge en route. First time to Cambridge and would like to go back. The weekend was fantastic, including pub visits, music nights, country walks, and the beautiful wedding on New Years Eve. Congratulations to Morigan and Louis Coyle! 

I had an extra week in Vancouver to catch up with Rylie (oh and my Mom,Nicky, Phil, Jonathan and Kendrianne!) and arrived back here to La Paz last week. 

Paul has been playing some gigs with different people, including a Grateful Dead tribute last Saturday! Not sure how many songs he knew, but he did a great job.

We have just said good-bye to the folks who have been renting our Casita since Dec 1st. Just in time to get it cleaned up and ready for Ruth and Sheldon who arrive next week. Looking forward to it!

Leanne hanging out next to Santa's Mailbox 
Our Spanish lessons with ZaĆ­ra are great.

On the Magote dunes, Leanne scoops a piece of driftwood for the garden

NO! (cute puppy at the local car wash)
On our way back to Vancouver - moon and mountains
The day after we got back, there was the biggest wind storm

Rylie had a great time at the Vancouver Aquarium

Rylie totally got the getting presents thing!

At Jonathan & Kendrianne's for Boxing Day brunch

Off they go to Yorkshire, flying in style - thanks to Sandi & Andrew

Morigan & Louis

She couldn't resist it! Night out in Cambridge.

The highlight of Molly's day - "Totopo Time!"
The new mural at Harker's is pretty impressive
So colourful
We're almost ready for home grown veggies

The pool is now a great temperature

After all the recent rain, the ground is a carpet of colour

The "Dead Set Trio" - playing a bunch of Grateful Dead tunes (that I didn't know!)

More familiar stuff - playing with Terry & Chen

with gran amigos, Alberto and Julian at the Jazz Festival

And... this little treasure will be visiting very soon!