Sunday, March 17, 2019

Mid March

We had a few weeks of down time after Nicky, Phil and Rylie left us mid February - we miss them a lot but try to Facetime as often as possible (like, everyday!)

Jonathan & Kendrianne and Kathy & Iain arrived March 4th for a fun and sun filled week - La Paz Carnival, Day trip to the islands on Mike's boat, lots of great food and, of course, the mandatory sunset margaritas. Loved having them all here at the same time. 

We are re-grouping this week and getting excited for Dina and Simon to arrive Wednesday. We will be whisking them away (literally off the side of the highway!) overnight to La Ventana to go to Willie & Carol's fund raising party with a great live band from LA! Brian & Cheryl Cowan (Phil’s parents) arrive the following week. 

Paul has played a lot of music this month, last night it was a set at the La Paz Blues Festival. 

As always, the photos tell the story…

Does anyone know what these yellow things are growing in a local bush?

According to Carlos (the gardener) this is natural "They'll all come back" he says... 
We went to a real local's bar to listen to a fantastic singer (friend of Georgina's)

The new glass recycling place... organization is not their strongest point

Mummy & baby carrots, plus zucchini and tasty tomatoes

We were tempted to sit and relax...

Who knew there was an actual brewery in our neighbourhood! Albert is my new best friend.

Hanging out with our neighbour Ed. 98 years old in a couple of weeks.

Heading out on 'Amiga' for a trip to the islands

We stopped for a swim at Balandra beach... the water was 'refreshing'

Then a barbecue

Mike, our Captain (and guitar player/singer!)

We were lucky to have the best sunset on the way back.

A modeling session at the local shops. 

Peyote on the roof at Harker's

The Carnaval!

Nice presentation Jonathan!
Don Julio after dinner...

Raúl's birthday cake

His birthday coincided with the 15th anniversary of the tennis court at Ed's

Thank you Mexico!

And we're looking forward to seeing this little beauty at the end of April.