Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 2019

Here is the last blog of the decade! It’s more than ten years since we came to La Paz for the first time. We still love living here and feel so lucky to have landed in such a great place.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Best Wishes from Paul & Leanne (and Molly)

The Cowans finally arrived a couple of days late after Tropical Storm Raymond blew them off course

They soon settled in

Rylie enjoyed her sunset special drinks and snacks

and yummy smores

She was a big help in the garden too.

On rainy days, you have to get creative... 

We hope she hasn't got her heart set on the VW for Christmas

Oakley is turning out very nicely

Our Mexican neighbour is going full on with the festive theme

Stu (the Subaru) meets Kevin (the kayak) for the first time

A perfect morning for a paddle

The Unusual Suspects at Baja Joe's in La Ventana. We broke the record for longest set (2.5 hours!)

Jorge and his new 'mini-me' Nicole

Think the poinsettias at Walmart may have peaked too soon?

Our 'christmas card' from Spain arrived

Santa piƱata at the local mini-super. Would it feel right to smash him in the face?

What better way to finish than with a human-sized shrimpy Santa!