Thursday, October 28, 2021

Finally heading back to La Paz

We are excited to fly back to La Paz on November 2. It will have been 21 months since we left.
We anticipate a lot will have changed in this time - more building around us, some favourite places no longer exist. But we are really looking forward to seeing all our friends and getting back into the Baja lifestyle again.

Here's a selection of photos from the last year - mostly of the lovely grandkids!. 

Father's Day golf!
Oakley loves his diggers

It's cool to be four years old

Hello Lilly!

All the cousins together

Summer at Centennial Beach

A great day out at Widgeon Falls

Thanks to our friends Russell & Christine

Hurricane Olaf hit us in September.

We lost a favourite palo verde tree.

Look at that hair!

We went to Victoria on the ferry for Leanne's birthday

and back by float plane!

Cheeky face!

On our way to the Okanagan we visited the Othello Tunnels near Hope

Thanks Jill & Naveen for putting us up in style

Penticton beer selection (one of many!)

A great hike on the old railway tracks

A little helper in the 'garden'

BMcG rehearsing in Osoyoos. Thanks Hoto & Shelley!

Nana with great grandchild #3

Lilly likes to 'let loose' in the car!

Thanksgiving with the Cowans

Watching the new Paw Patrol movie was fun!

Rylie's unicorn themed birthday party


Best friends