Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 2022

We're already well into February. Here are some photos.

A tranquil pre-Christmas day with Kevin (the Kayak)

Frigate birds

"Baja" arrived at Ed's house last year, and she has stayed ever since!

Christmas breakfast at Nana's

That's enough snow to last several years to come!

Looking south across frozen Boundary Bay (to Mexico!)

The Croque Sandwich at Casa del Bagre (5 minutes from us). Unbelievably good.

You can see Ed's tennis court from the restaurant

I was asked to do a recording session with John Davidson

John is now 80 and still singing and composing!

An extended rehearsal with Sambolero. Our living room is perfect for music!

The first time at Seis Uno Dos Rooftop. Playing to a full house, despite a bit of rain!

Lupe's cool VW

Another full moon photo.

We now get a box of organic veg every week. Beautiful variety

Cactus fruit on a hike in the desert.

These cactus are so old, they are literally disintegrating

The other side of 'magote' when the tide is out.

If you go flat out up the dune you can park and slide down. Haven't tried it yet!

Another boring sunset

Lilly is visiting us in March and could be walking by then!
Hopefully no rain in March when they visit!

But plenty of bedtime stories from Uncle Jonny!