Monday, March 7, 2022

March 2022

The weather is getting a lot warmer and it's feeling like spring.

We went to see the grey whales at Puerto Chale, 2 hours north. Here is a link to the video: 

All our preparations are done (mostly) and we are looking forward to Rylie & Oakley and their assistants arriving on Wednesday, followed by Lilly and her entourage next Monday! We are so lucky to have everyone here at the same time. 

We are incredibly fortunate to lead the life that we do. 

We are now playing every Wednesday at '612 Rooftop'. Reservations are recommended

Paul, Karen, DarĂ­o, Nery and Rommel (our sub drummer)

This is why they call it the "rooftop"

A great selection of dried chilis in the centro

and medicinal barks and herbs!

We discovered Playa Cedros on the Pacific side, about 40 mins away

Salamandra Gin has had a face lift and is only available online. Still $5 inc. delivery!

The whale watching day starts

And a great ceviche to round off the day

A 'roadrunner' bird visited us. Meep, meep!

Times are really changing - now we have street signs

Paul did 3 days recording with a young local jazz group

You'd never believe this was the studio. It took some finding!

Just outside the studio door... every seat was taken

Cactus fruit in our garden

Ed is going to be 101 in early April. 'Baja' is a great friend.

Our garden is blooming nicely

Valentine's Day at Casa del Bagre up the road from us.

Oakley is wearing his sister's leotard!

Rylie has a lovely new hair style...

Paul tries to find the leak in the flamingo...

and Lilly is getting a taste for guacamole and quesadillas!