Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 2022


We had a lovely visit from all our family at the same time in mid March. The pool was put to good use every day. Rylie learned to swim and dive without any armbands. We had a nice party to celebrate Lilly's 1st birthday Mexican style - piñata and all. Oakley couldn't believe our whole garden was actually one huge sandpit for him to play in!
We are heading into our final few weeks here before we head back to BC on May 8th.
Here is a selection of photos from the past month or so. 

The three 'nietos'

Rylie wasn't really scared of the alligator at The Serpentario

Triple Cowan jump!

Carlos our neighbour let us play with his digger

Our garden is perfect for all Oakley's diggers

Rylie practicing her 'flute' - a gift from our friend Karen

Oakley still hasn't had a haircut (ever!)

Lovely family dinner on the terrace

Lilly loved the pool after some initial hesitation

Early morning jumping!

Fancy nails at Kathy's

The Cowans (nice expression Rylie!)

The Freemans

Every morning started watching YouTube - usually "world's most venomous snakes!"

Lilly likes Mexico! And hand-me-down dungarees from cousin Rylie

Jamming with the neighbours at Lilly's party

Ooops... it's supposed to be "FELIZ COMPLEAÑOS" but backwards!

Lilly loved her inflatable birthday bunny too!

Ed's 101st birthday party was a success

Great food down the road from our place (not the healthiest option!)

Showtime at the lights on the way into town

A sleeping dinosaur on the beach at El Saltito

Same day different deserted beach

Only 3 weeks until we head back to see these squirts again!