Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 2022

We got back to Vancouver last Sunday. Here are some recent photos.

Our neighbour Ed's 101st Birthday Party was a success

Keep those wrinkles at bay with some Grisi Donkey's Milk 

Cooking twelve large pizzas is thirsty work

Georgina gets ahead of the crowd for pizza!

It was fantastic to see all our mexican friends again

Naveen took this cool photo from our terrace

We visited Playa Cedros again, 40 minutes drive north on the Pacific side

Apparently, a group of pelicans is called a squadron, pod, pouch or scoop of pelicans!

Winner of the award for ugliest vegetables...

The local marines put on a helicopter display one day

Lots of flowers on the cardons this year

Paul hung out with the 'influencers' at the La Paz Oyster Festival

There are worse places for a gig!

Carlos and his gardening crew - cool dudes

We had this guy visit us on the last day!

One last time to sample the yummy food at McFisher...

Then we get to spend the summer with the 'nietos'