Wednesday, December 14, 2022

November/December 2022

Tomorrow we head back to Vancouver for Christmas. Here are some photos from the past two months. It's never boring living here!
We are looking forward to seeing the family for the next while, and then we return to La Paz in early January.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

We went on really nice hike with Alex Aventura and his group

Incredible cactus forest at dawn

Our guide Philipe was so nice

You never know what you're going to see!

Our house at night.

We miss our neighbour Ed. His house is all lit up ready for sale.

Lunch with a couple of friends

Damned termites... destroyed our laundry room!

While exploring, we found the local cemetery in El Centenario
...and the local drag strip. The bleachers could use help.

We were invited to John & Olivia's 'engagement' party

Getting in the spirit of the evening

Stu (our Subaru) getting a service next to Lupe's humungous baja racing car.

Spot Luis trimming the Nim trees?

Only 8 minutes away, Casa del Bagre never disappoints 

We can avoid the crowds at Balandra by kayaking across the bay

What a view!

Jamming with Tim (who was staying in our casita)

Juan will take your flat tire away, fix it and refit all for less than $20

Google "Tarantula Hawk Wasp" ... I wouldn't have been this close if I had

Lovely dinner in Cabo with Naveen, Jill and family and friends

Paul plays with four bands... this is The Unusual Suspects

Luis concocting his special fertilized soil

Fancy wedding gig with Terry Townson

Playa Cedros. We walked for about 8km and didn't see anyone

But we spotted a fossil buried in the cliff!

Looking for spare parts at the local "Yonke". It goes forever...

Getting in the Christmas spirit at the local supermercado

Put the puppy down and get in the car!!!

We can't wait to see this lot again soon!