Thursday, November 16, 2023

Freeman's Benefit Concert - NOV 2023

Every few years Paul and I throw our energy into fundraising for worthwhile causes near our home in La Paz Mexico. It is difficult to choose just one as we see so much need in the area. 

Earlier this year we discovered a small non profit medical clinic right in our neighbourhood called FundaciĆ³n Astra. The clinic provides preventive and curative health services to the most vulnerable populations. Most of the staff are medical professionals who have their own day jobs and volunteer at the clinic in their time off. Doctor’s, Dentists, Nutritionists, Acupuncturist, Psycho Therapists….. These services are free to anyone who comes to the clinic for help.

We are hosting a Benefit Concert on Nov 25th in Mexico. Paul's band The Bradley Mcgillivray Blues band from Vancouver is flying down to play and ALL proceeds will support FundacionAstra. 

We are sorry you can’t be there, but we would like to encourage you to help us help these families. Your donation will really make a difference.
Their website is set up to accept donations in Mexican Pesos via PayPal or using a credit card. Here is the link:

$10 (170 pesos) provides 2 diabetic patients treatment for one month
$50 (850 pesos) provides 10 children multivitamins for one month
$100 (1700 pesos) buys food staples for a family of 4 for one month
$250 (4250 pesos) enables one outreach primary health care campaign
$500 (8500 pesos) facilitates a workshop on Nutrition for 20 women
(Figures shown are in US dollars)

Thanks everyone - Please share this with anyone you think can support our efforts or would like to learn more. 
Please add “Benefit Concert”…. as a comment. 

Leanne & Paul