Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The missing blog - March to August 2025

Back in March we had the whole crew visiting for 2- 3 weeks

Aba gets a cool new hair-do! 

The kids got to ride horses

We sat with a couple of locals at El Serape 

The SpaceX rockets fly right over La Paz

...and in complete contrast... two amorous carrots

It's great to play Saturdays with Sambolero by the water at La Concha

We watched the almost total eclipse with Brock & Nikki and Jill & Naveen

Lovely stuffy gifts for the kids - handmade by Isabella 

Our first stop on the drive home was Loreto where we rented kayaks

Our guide took us on a spectacular paddle

In Santa Rosa CA we visited the Charles Schultz Museum... well worth it!

Our stay in North Bend at this unique motel included complimentary IPA and marijuana!

We had a lovely view of Newport Beach in Oregon (free upgrade, whoo hoo!)

What a lovely welcome! Plus, the weather was about 30C in mid May!

Visiting London in June we met up with Nicky at The Churchill pub...

...and took her out for fancy birthday cocktails in Soho

A real highlight was seeing the Ronnie Scotts Jazz Orchestra from the best seats!

Mother's Day pie-in-the-face games! 

Oakley requested a Snake cake for his birthday in July

Capt. Cowan takes some time off on our visit to Allyn WA with the family

We had 'Rockstar Night' and they coincidentally both turned up a 'Slash'. We are such proud parents.

Jumping off the water pipe with Uncle Jonny was such fun

Visiting Leanne's mom Shirley at 'Sunrise Living' 

We take our 'granddog' Vanna out all the time

Visiting with Leanne's school friend Gillian at Buccaneers Bay

Oakley gave Paul a full manicure/pedicure (water soluble luckily!)

In Osoyoos Leanne did some waterskiing. Wow!

When we get back to Mexico in November our agave will have gone...

... but it will be nice to get back. (thanks for the photo Naveen)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

February in to March 2024

It's been a long time since we did the blog. It's a 'lumpy' year so far, with highs and lows.
Leanne travelled back to Vancouver in February, and now her Mum is out of hospital in a nice care home, and she seems to be doing slightly better. 
We had a fantastic trip to Mexico City - thank you to our friend Juan for loaning his apartment!
Sadly, Paul's Dad, Ken passed away in early March and Paul went to Manchester to help his brother sort things out. We then had a hectic but lovely time with our whole family (and friends!) visiting for 19 days. See next blog instalment - coming soon!

The start of another lovely day

'New Stu' (the Subaru) getting a bit aggresive with one of the locals

Sometimes there's no explanation for what you will find at the 'segundas' (second hand stores).

The end of another great gig with the Daniel Fiol Quartet

Nestor cleaning out the grey water tank - rather him than me!

The view from Juan's apartment. Popacatépetl in the distance

Sunday in Xochimilco with the lovely Gaby

Lunch on the trajinero, cooked on the trajinero next to us!

Apprentice driver. It's much more difficult than it looks

Ajolotes live in the water below!

We arrived back to find our housekeeper cooking for us! Wow!

Early morning start to take a hot air balloon

We were one of the first balloons off the ground

It was truly an unforgettable experience

After a very smooth landing, we had a glass of bubbly!

Then we had a guided tour of the Tiotehuacán pyramids

Back in the city looking at cool murals. 

Business class style bus to San Miguel de Allende

Leanne enjoys this kind of situation

We stayed with Juan's friends, Gris and Cacho

Cacho had an extremely impressive 'man cave'!

Great cheap lunch in the city

In contrast, a wonderful, fancy dinner at 'Hunan'

The Basilica de Guadalupe was spectacular and moving

The Museum of Anthropology was stunning

Impressive exhibits - this was 8 feet tall!

We travelled on the new cable car that traverses the outskirts of the city

Finally a visit to Lucha Libre - it was so entertaining

Plus, we had expert locals to help us understand the finer points! 

Great Grandpa Ken passed away in early March

I visited with my 'old' friends Simon, Nigel and Chris. So nice to see them.

Samples from my Grandpa's WW1 sketch book. Pretty unique

When I auditioned for Danny's place in the Partridge Family!

And then this lot arrived!  To be continued...