Saturday, February 3, 2024

December 2023 - January 2024

Hola. It's been a while since we did a blog. This one covers part of our drive down, the band visit, our Christmas back in Ladner and our return in the new year.

Both Leanne's Mom and Paul's Dad are in hospital and facing many age related issues. 

As usual, this selection of various photos tells the story of our interesting life down here in the ever changing city of La Paz.

A pre-dinner jam at our first stop in Eugene visiting Tim & Julie

We cycled across the Golden Gate on our wedding anniversary

...and had a nice lunch in Sausalito

We visited the giant redwood forest...

...and this lovely guy gave us a mandala that he'd made!

We had a merry afternoon with Tamara & Steve in San Diego

In Mulege we met Coco's Dad, Bonnie

he took us on a wonderful boat trip including this hidden beach

We visited Mulege Brewing and met Miguel the brewer from Peru.

Our arrival at home in La Paz came with a heavy downpour

and the 'jungle' garden after all the rain during the summer

The Baja 1000 race started in La Paz, and went through our neighbourhood

Weird extraterrestrial fungus in our driveway 

First stop is always McFisher's

Leanne back on duty in the 'member's only' rooftop area

Paul played with the Daniel Fiol Quartet at the local school of music

...and now includes piano technician on his resume!

Cool old timer on the street in La Paz

The band's visit featured one of the all time best sunsets

We allowed them on the roof

We had a musicians only party, with 4 drummers!

Ruth meet Ruth - the 'tocayas'

Back in Ladner for Christmas. Leanne does her 'Cousin It' impression


Cowan's gift to the family - a great pizza party on Main St

Visiting Santa at Beach Grove GC

Back in La Paz, Jose our new gardener trims the Nim trees

You wouldn't see this at the local supermarket in Canada

Kids receiving gifts at the Astra Fundación Día del Reyes party

with a piñata!

Belly dancing show at Casa del Bagre... strange, but good

There are so many murals in the centro

Naveen took this full moon on his fancy camera

Beach clean up with the Mar Libre group

Only 6 weeks until this lot arrive. Can't wait!