Friday, December 18, 2015

Sitting in LAX on our way back to Vancouver for Christmas. Finally found a beer for less than $10 - at Starbucks!!!
Here are some recent pics.
It's getting very festive on the streets

This store is located right outside a school

'The Boys" enjoying their breakfast - note the cookies and cupcakes!

assembling the Grill with Bill (and John)

This is Molly's vacation home for the next 11 days

Arlae & Sylvia (newly graduated vets) will take good care of her

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday morning, our last before flying home next Friday for Christmas. The ‘Love Boat’ cruise ship is just visible across the bay at Pichelingue. It’s quite windy, so that will not be good for all the excursions they will have on the water. Hopefully, tennis will not be affected this afternoon.

We’ve had a nice week and have eaten out quite a few times. Wednesday we tried a new place down on the main road called Ruby’s Cantina - it was pretty good. The next night we were going to have Iguana’s excellent wood-fired pizza, but when we arrived, Paco the chef opened the gate and said they were closed because he was painting in the outdoor kitchen… he was actually doing 2 original artworks for an auction to raise money for the K9 dog refuge (where Molly came from)… so we went to Ruby’s again!

Yesterday we were down in the local El Centenarrio ’hood’ and Leanne spotted a hand-written sign saying ‘pollo’. We walked into their back garden where a guy was just taking a rack of BBQ’d pollos off the wood fire. We said we would like one, and then were invited back by LuLu (his mother) to the open kitchen where she proceeded to load a plate for me with tamales and borrego out of huge pots on the stove. We asked ‘what’s borrego’ and she pointed at this goat-like creature tied up at the back of the yard (presumably next week’s dinner!) They insisted we sit down with them at the family table and we had a lovely time. We walked away with chicken dinner for 2 including homemade salsa, pasta salad and tortillas for about $5.  What a great Mexican moment, and the chicken was really good.

Last night we attended a charity art auction at La Morante to raise money for a school that Valerie is involved with. None of the art appealed to us, but at the end of the evening they ‘raffled’ a painting by the host - and guess what, Leanne won. It was actually the only painting we really liked all night, Geovanni Ibarra the artist signed the back and we will hang it the new casa next year.

Now for the bacon! We have found a great local place a few blocks away where they smoke the best bacon ever.
the whole fleet

the columns that hold the roof on the patio

at Ruby's with Brenda our neighbour from Alberta

1/2 kilo for just over $4

Molly can't resist scavenging after the builders leave

yard clearing (pre Paris climate agreement)

Me and LuLu will meet again soon

Leanne questions why we are washing the car

Leanne at the kitchen sink

Proud winner with Geovanni the artist

Almost ready for the roof!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Can't believe another week has gone by. We only have 10 days before we head back to 'Sunny" Tsawwassen (Steveston actually).

Last Wednesday I cooked my first curry down here and we had a meal up at Ed's. Bill cooked a very nice Prawn/Coconut Curry and prepared a bunch of condiments including homemade mango chutney. I also attempted Samosas fror the first time. Lots of work, but worth it.

There was another tennis tournament on Saturday - the winners got turkeys. Needless to say, me and my partner Carlos didn't win one, but we did pretty well winning 4 and loosing 3 matches... In his words we were "un equipo muy aguerido" - which translates as "a very gallant team". I like that.

Not much more to report, except the guys are going crazy on the house. It's really taking shape.

WCB would have a field day here

Part of our neighbourhood

Santos, Raul and Jesus in the 'pool'

Looking through the front door

The pillars for the deck/roof were added today

Everything is made by hand, including the ladders

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A busy week - how did I ever have time to work? (this is Leanne....) Paul however, has worked very hard all last week on a large project...

The weekend was all about celebrations - Saturday - Ron and Myrna's wedding - It turned out I was the entire decorating committee, and also "day of" coordinator. I organised all the decor, the guest check in (with food and drink vouchers) and orchestrated the timing of the ceremony!  Alot of fun! The wedding was at 4 pm and by 7 pm the Tequila was flowing and the party was full on.  Paul had the opportunity to play bass with the band and keyboard player Henry who he played with a few years ago.

Sunday was tennis and then a "panalada" (baby shower) for Raul's daughter Giselle who is expecting her first baby (a girl in 6 weeks time). It was themed as a "Pampers" party - so I rushed into town to find Pampers, only to learn they don't sell them here - only "Huggies" - so it became a "Huggies" party followed by a BBQ!

Christmas is popping up everywhere. - even on the side of the highway (see pic) where you can shop as you go over the "topes" (speed bumps) - See pic of really interesting ornamental figures of pigs, dogs, and even Santas and Snowmen - all going in my suitcase to take back to Vancouver as gifts!

Couldn't resist taking a photo of the Arumburo (bull) on top of a local Supermarket who has his Christmas outfit on as of today, December 1st! 

Found our new favorite restaurant today - Christines. She was in our neighborhood last year, but moved into town recently into a 100 year old house (very quaint) - we had an awesome lunch today and will be back! Great food, and really interesting house.

Molly also has found her new favourite place to rest - in the shower!  So wierd.

The house is coming along - we have all the lower level rooms in place now, and we can really begin to visualise how it will be.

We managed to miss the brunt of Hurricane Sandra - some wind and rain but not as expected so thank goodness for that.  The furniture can go back out on the deck.