Sunday, April 10, 2016

Finally, we got “Stu” the Subaru back home!  After 7 weeks, and hours (too many to count) at the Justice Building, plus most of the day at the Police Impound Yard, “Stu” was towed here by the Grua (tow truck) finally on Wednesday night. Edgar the Mecanico and Filiberto the Carroceria (collision) guys are going to breath life back into Stu. In Canada the car would be a write-of for sure, but down here, anything is fixable, and the Mexicans are fixers! Paul and I keep reminding ourselves, this is part of the rich experience and adventure that we signed up for! 

The house is amazing… so many changes in a week - windows, paint, tiling…. we are here only 2 more weeks so we are trying to choose as much as we can before we leave, but we know there will still be things to finish on our return in the Fall. 

We have a busy week coming up - Helga will be here Friday for a week (fun!) and Paul has some gigs (one is a fundraiser for the Beach Preservation folks). He is also playing the following weekend in Todos Santos at the VinoGastro Festival (food and wine - I’m in!) and then we pack up and catch a flight on April 26th! Summer in Vancouver - really looking forward to seeing everyone. 

It rained again on Thursday. VERY unusual for this time of year

Some of the interior beams are in position

The Palo Verde trees are all in bloom

They are adding the 'crows nest' to the top of the roof

Edgar & Filiberto getting to know Stu

Watching the rain from our new home. A lovely moment.

The outside kitchen takes shape
This is where the police pound guy works (I didn't notice the welcome mat at the time!)

Where's Stu?

Junk yard dogs

Stu - looks like you've got your nose out of joint!


  1. So happy about Stu! The house looks amazing! Love the pool tiles and wooden beams... Hasta luego!
