Sunday, November 27, 2016

There has been some progress on the car. Seven months later, we have seen the car parts and spoken to both mechanics (Edgar and Filiberto) and they have told us that the car will 'listo' (ready) in 25 - 30 days (in other words the end of March next year). Hope not! Anyway, things are finally moving apparently.
We said goodbye to Helga last Friday, and enjoyed a few days with Jill & Naveen until they left on Saturday morning to go to spend a week in San Jose del Cabo.
Other than that - the house is still coming together, we got a door on the upstairs bathroom and the stove installed in the kitchen - and a bunch of other small things. Slowly we are coming together.
That's it for words this week... lots of photos though.
Thanks for looking - we really enjoy doing this and it will be great to look back on in future years.

"Buen Fin" booty

The view from the bar at Mezquite (Jorge at speed in the background)

Big band rehearsal - we have a gig next Sunday!

Helga creating her famous desserts in the new cocina


The first dinner on the patio. Raul asked "what can I bring" we said "a table!"

Master bathroom

New sliding door in the master bathroom

Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom

Looking from the front door

Fire pit - seems to be a natural gathering place 

This is how fridge should look.

Molly being "Mexican"
Jill & Naveen are definitely ready for their boat trip!

"This really sucks" relaxing on the beach - Islas Espiritos Santos

great view from the 7 Crowns Hotel roof top

Inside a small hotel in the Centro - eclectic is the word that comes to mind.

One of the hotel guests

Spot the English guy...

Sunday, November 20, 2016

I know many of our ‘regular readers’ (ha ha) think that all we do is sit around in deckchairs all day, sipping margaritas… but really we have been none-stop busy since we got here 12 days ago. I need a rest!

This is Paul writing this week, as Leanne is out with our friend Helga, making the most of the “Buen Fin” (good weekend) sales - including the much loved ‘buy 2 get 3’ booze promotion at Soriana supermarket. We went there on Friday and while Leanne was looking at bedding, I stocked up on some bottles, and apparently was in trouble because I only got 3 white wines and 12 bottles of red -  well, I don’t like white wine! 

We also hit the sales pretty hard at a nice store called “Liverpool” (which is a bit like The Bay). Gabriella who served us,  spoke great English because she had studied French in Quebec a while back (that sounds funny)… she was on commission, so was very happy when we stocked the entire kitchen - pans, dishes, coffee machine, blender etc etc.. - all at 40% off. Helga was very kind to insist that she buy us a house warming present - so in future, everytime we raise a glass we will think of her!

I got to play a set with Terry Townson last Saturday at a great little club called La Morante in La Paz. Im going to try to make it to big band this Tuesday afternoon, if work allows (last week was too busy)

Im hoping to play tennis again this afternoon up at Ed’s with the Mexicans.

Car update - we are still having problems with Edgar the mechanic. He really is a bit of a pain (a lot of one actually) - but we still have faith that he will come through. We met the other car-fixing guy Filberto (Ford bodyshop manager) again on Saturday, and he is still totally credible and was equally frustrated by Edgar… he can’t do the body work until Edgar fixes the mechanics… oh well, we’ll see. We are meeting again at Edgars house on Monday. Might take Jorge with us to 'kick his ass' !

Looking forward to our next batch of visitors - Jill and Naveen arrive on Wednesday for a couple of days.

The 'Super Moon' was pretty spectacular

The sunrise the next day, wasn't too shabby either

The first of 6 'pipas' (water trucks) to refill the pool (and oil stain our driveway!)

I had to put back the drain covers before the water got too deep

Choosing fabric to re-cover our casita couch

The new server at "Tiramisu" has many attractions, such nice eyes

Great new roadside Carne Asada in our neighbourhood

Pool maintenance lesson #1

Assembling the base for the master bedroom bed - the mattress arrives Monday
Totopos galore! 

Monday, November 14, 2016

We (and Molly the dog) made it back to La Paz safe and sound!  It is hard to believe our summer in Vancouver passed so quickly and that we have already been here for almost a week. 

The house looks amazing! Raul and his team of workers have done a fantastic job, but, as we expected there are a few “hiccups” and fixes to take care of… 

For example -  the entire pool had to be drained Friday, and, as we speak, is being entirely re-grouted. Looks like the tile grout cracked in the hot sun over the summer, and when the water went in a few weeks ago it started to leak! Raul admitted that he was so eager to get water in it that he forgot that the grout may have become porous over time. It’s good that it will be properly repaired. Hope to have the water back in tomorrow or Wednesday. 

Otherwise, finishing details to be completed before we head back to Vancouver for Christmas and then return via Guadalajara to buy furniture.

Car update - we talked to the mechanic (finally). He has not progressed much (if at all) on the car, but promises to have it ready for us in 25 days.  Hmmm… we’ll see - we are mildly optimistic as he is returning our calls now, and asked us to come Thursday to see the progress. Poor “Stu the Subaru”…In the meantime, we are driving “Joyce the Jeep” (our neighbours car) until then. Fingers crossed!

Paul has set up his new office in the main house now and the A/C unit is keeping him cool during office hours. Already the Casita feels more spacious without the computer equipment, 3 guitars and 2 amps! 

Saturday there was a tennis tournament up at Ed’s - Paul was invited to play, but he wasn’t able to this time as we had lots of running around to do.  We did however, join the “after party” which was lots of fun - I finally left the guys (and the tequila!) to carry on - Mexicans (and Paul) have amazing party stamina. (Paul also came to the rescue when a bottle of artisanal tequila from Guadalajara hit the deck, and an “emergency” was declared, luckily we had another bottle in the cupboard!)

Looking forward to our first visitor as Helga arrives Wednesday. Hopefully the new bed mattress will be delivered on time (Wednesday) so she has something to sleep on! Who knows if it will arrive, could be maƱana. 

All our worldly goods. Locker on Annasis Island.

Passenger on the windscreen into town

Please don't turn the wipers on!

Draining the pool

Dos bodegas! 

Hard at it, watching the water go down

New roundabout in the neighbourhood
Comfy seats in the back

The local beer guy knows I'm back!

Fresh tortillas

ahh - The Burro Maya for lunch at McFisher

Don't worry, we walked away from this guy (it was touch & go)

Hopefully, the pool will look like this again soon