Sunday, November 27, 2016

There has been some progress on the car. Seven months later, we have seen the car parts and spoken to both mechanics (Edgar and Filiberto) and they have told us that the car will 'listo' (ready) in 25 - 30 days (in other words the end of March next year). Hope not! Anyway, things are finally moving apparently.
We said goodbye to Helga last Friday, and enjoyed a few days with Jill & Naveen until they left on Saturday morning to go to spend a week in San Jose del Cabo.
Other than that - the house is still coming together, we got a door on the upstairs bathroom and the stove installed in the kitchen - and a bunch of other small things. Slowly we are coming together.
That's it for words this week... lots of photos though.
Thanks for looking - we really enjoy doing this and it will be great to look back on in future years.

"Buen Fin" booty

The view from the bar at Mezquite (Jorge at speed in the background)

Big band rehearsal - we have a gig next Sunday!

Helga creating her famous desserts in the new cocina


The first dinner on the patio. Raul asked "what can I bring" we said "a table!"

Master bathroom

New sliding door in the master bathroom

Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom

Looking from the front door

Fire pit - seems to be a natural gathering place 

This is how fridge should look.

Molly being "Mexican"
Jill & Naveen are definitely ready for their boat trip!

"This really sucks" relaxing on the beach - Islas Espiritos Santos

great view from the 7 Crowns Hotel roof top

Inside a small hotel in the Centro - eclectic is the word that comes to mind.

One of the hotel guests

Spot the English guy...