Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Barcelona PART 1

Before leaving La Paz last weekend we had great fun at Marco’s birthday party - yes, another party and this time a St Patricks Day green theme!

We had a full day in LA last Monday - rented bikes and rode along “The Strand” and enjoyed the sunshine and beach before catching our flight that evening.

LA to Barcelona (via Zurich) was very comfortable - our first time on Swiss Air - excellent! 

Our rental apartment here in Barcelona is in a great neighbourhood - amazing local market just across the street, and the Metro station within a few metres. The weather has been a little cool (certainly compared to Mexico!), but has warmed up a lot today. We bought thermals at Decathalon on our first day here!

We have done a lot so far - explored the Gothic area, Barcalonetta, and hiked up Mount Tibidabo. Even found some great breweries - some off the 'beaten track'!

We are looking forward to the celebrations and parades this coming Easter weekend -  Santa Semana is a major holiday here in Spain, as it is in Mexico.
As usual the pictures speak for themselves... 

A random mariachi band sends us off on our last night in La Paz! 
A great St Patrick's day with good friends - thanks Marco & Eva

Leaving La Paz, over our neighbourhood.

Riding along 'The Strand" - getting to nosy in on all the houses.

In Zurich, the bunnies are big!
Leanne was happy to discover a guy who would give her a litre of wine for $3!
2 guys making soccer ping pong look easy!
First tapas on the street in Barcelona centro 
Garage Brewing - great beer. We met Anderson, who is a 'safari planner'
Lots of graffiti in Barcelona.
"El Vaso D'Oro" in Barcelonetta, the bar with no tables! 
Across the road from our place is a great traditional market
Don't know why this place has mannequins on every floor ?
Visiting 'Camp Nou"- the mecca for soccer fans.
We went to a Team B game - which for us non-soccer people, was great!
This bakery is literally outside our front door. There is a line up every day. 
The view from Mount Tibidabo
Never feed wild boars!
Lots of chocolate sculptures for Easter...
Google said this was... Tibidabo Brewing!
And it was! The owner opened up specially for us. Really good beer too!

I made 'bouillabaisse' with ingredients from across the road.
We have to finish with a Rylie pic - this time 'off the shoulder' to celebrate 6 months!