Sunday, January 24, 2016

This week the pictures speak for themselves.

The builders have started to plaster some of the rooms which makes them seem so much brighter and more real. The wooden roof supports have been removed and moved to the upstairs so that the roof to the master bedroom can be poured next week. I can’t imagine how much work it will be to transport buckets/barrow loads of cement up 2 storeys to the top.

Leanne volunteered 2 days last week at the local orphanage and had a really great time with the kids setting up an organic garden and organizing crafts. The kids were lovely and she hopes to be involved more in the future.

We went to Raul & Georgina’s (pronounced hey-or-hina) wedding on Friday - it really was a great evening. They had 200 guests in a really smart new event room that Raul’s friend owns. There was good feelings all round, and lots of dancing. They are now on their honeymoon in Guadalajara for the next week - it’s the first time Raul has left La Paz in about 20 years apparently - and we will miss seeing him for coffee and cookies each morning!

That’s all - now for the photos.
Plastering the top half of my office, supported by pallets

the full moon reflected in Ed's pool

full moon over La Paz

Molly loves sand!

Leanne attempts to get to the 'crow's nest'

Someone made a mess in the kitchen

Raul con Las chicas!

Spot the 'gringa'

Buying the ingredients for strawberry margaritas

Raul & Georgina with her parents, and her grandfather's antiques

'Junior' putting the first stage rendering on the outside

The final piece of plywood from the ceiling coming down

Beautiful eyes.

Morning light in the kitchen

a letter to send to amigos in the USA

Leanne started to wash the car and Jesus took over
The cathedral where the orphanage is located

the  house looks great now the wood supports have gone

Spot the 'gringa' !!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Another week of incredible progress on the house.

Because our property is on such a slope, trucks and trucks full of dirt are arriving everyday to be used as “fill” for the outside patio areas. It is moved wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow…. This coming week we expect the wooden supports for the ceiling/roof to come out which will really give us a feeling for the space. The workers are such great guys and we continue to keep them fueled up with baking and beer.

Paul went to the first La Paz Big Band Rehearsal Tuesday afternoon.  The Cultural Centre is providing rehearsal space and, once they have some tunes under their belt they hope to do some events/shows.

I have no idea how it happens, but my days have been full. The gym 3 mornings per week, Freeman Design accounts, and this week some new discoveries in the neighbourhood including a local Mexican seamstress Daisy, who has a thriving business out of her house nearby.

Paul played golf yesterday with a group at the Costa Baja Golf Course - very scenic, but very difficult! 

Last night was the Jazz gig in town.  Great night - the place was packed and the audience loved it! The keyboard player Friedrich lives on his sailboat in the bay and came to shore in his dinghy with his bike and pedalled his way to the bar!  Apparently he has a quite few keyboards on his sailboat!

The drummer Willie is retired now, but has had a very accomplished musical career in LA playing with many famous bands (Al Jarreau, Larry Carlton) and TV shows - Sonny and Cher to name one! Nice guy and still plays really good drums. We have been invited to his birthday party in April and many of the musicians he knows will be flying down from LA to jam and celebrate. Woohoo!

Tonight we are eating dinner with the Mexican/Tennis crowd so I am off now to make Apple Crumble for 20 people.

I am also looking forward to Volunteering this week at the Orphanage - an organisation put a call out for helpers and I will be going 3 days this week. This will be a real test for my Spanglish too!

First rehearsal for the 'new' big band

cruise ship leaving

Leanne has put in a lot of time at the gym, and the results are starting to show

Millionaires golf (literally)

Chowen and son on the roof

fretless 'bass face'

loading the bricks on to the roof (each weighs approx. 30 lbs)

Santos planning the outside stairs

one of many daunting tee shots!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Time really does fly by…

Great progress on the house - the focus this week has been on the second floor (Master bedroom), the pool, and more foundations for the Palapa area. We are hoping that soon they will start on the exterior (or interior) stairs so we won’t have to scramble up the wooden ladder and across the loose bricks to get up on to the roof! Yikes! A bit treacherous and not to be tackled after a beer or a glass of wine…

A few fun social gatherings also in this last week. A “pavo” (turkey) dinner last weekend prepared by Mayela and Claudia - the turkey was the prize in the last tennis tournament! Mostly Mexicans again so we muddled our way through with our Spanglish.

I had lunch and a shopping “mooch” in town on Tuesday with Myrna, Olga and Diane - some of the gals that live here in the area. How nice to be included and we finished our day off with a tasty strawberry Margarita……. ahhh….

Wednesday night was Bills 85th birthday party. This is a guy who has lived life! Still partying like a 20 year old. Beautiful courtyard restaurant in the Centro - folkloric dancing and a piƱata!

Friday afternoon Paul played tennis with his Amigos, and afterwards celebrated 2 birthdays with Carne Asada and cervezas…. A “guys” night with lots of fun and laughs.

Yesterday we went for a short hike with Val and Terry - great view from the top of the hill - we aim to do more of this in the following weeks as there are many trails around the hills in this area that we want to explore.  We were going to go Stand Up Paddle Boarding but it was a little too breezy on the Bay - another day…

I joined the Gym this week - a new facility with excellent equipment, a full schedule of different classes, and trainers that are readily available for consultation. I aim to go 3 times per week (atleast) with my neighbour Brenda. This will allow me to enjoy the burritos and fish tacos without too much guilt.

Yesterday we followed another neighbour to Rancho San Patricio - a 100 acre Orange Grove outside of town.  Beautiful Hacienda, and fantastic oranges and grapefruits - 10 pesos per kilo (approx .80 cents.)  We bought a big bag for about $2.00. Now to find a juicer!

A view from the 'garden' before the upper level started

Lunch at the local market. Great empanadas for 15 pesos

And music is included with lunch!

Turkey dinner at Ed's - provided by Mayella.

Tuesday Lunch with Myrna and friends at Catrina's

A mountain of fill ready to be the patio 
Climbing up to inspect the master bedroom

This will be our new bedroom/bathroom

Molly has been inspecting the foundations!

Bill's 85th birthday party - (that isn't a G&T it's martini!)

Folkloric dancing at Bill's party!!

A view from the opposite side of the 'street'

We climbed a hill at the other side of town

You can see our place in El Centennario in the distance 

Leanne has found her new favourite designer line!

Hanging out with 'Axel' at LuLu's chicken place (her house)

This is the local place where we buy our boxes of beer

the pool is starting to take shape

the view from our bedroom

Mexican typography - part #1

the ' secret' tennis tournament for Jesus and Antoinio's birthdays