Sunday, January 24, 2016

This week the pictures speak for themselves.

The builders have started to plaster some of the rooms which makes them seem so much brighter and more real. The wooden roof supports have been removed and moved to the upstairs so that the roof to the master bedroom can be poured next week. I can’t imagine how much work it will be to transport buckets/barrow loads of cement up 2 storeys to the top.

Leanne volunteered 2 days last week at the local orphanage and had a really great time with the kids setting up an organic garden and organizing crafts. The kids were lovely and she hopes to be involved more in the future.

We went to Raul & Georgina’s (pronounced hey-or-hina) wedding on Friday - it really was a great evening. They had 200 guests in a really smart new event room that Raul’s friend owns. There was good feelings all round, and lots of dancing. They are now on their honeymoon in Guadalajara for the next week - it’s the first time Raul has left La Paz in about 20 years apparently - and we will miss seeing him for coffee and cookies each morning!

That’s all - now for the photos.
Plastering the top half of my office, supported by pallets

the full moon reflected in Ed's pool

full moon over La Paz

Molly loves sand!

Leanne attempts to get to the 'crow's nest'

Someone made a mess in the kitchen

Raul con Las chicas!

Spot the 'gringa'

Buying the ingredients for strawberry margaritas

Raul & Georgina with her parents, and her grandfather's antiques

'Junior' putting the first stage rendering on the outside

The final piece of plywood from the ceiling coming down

Beautiful eyes.

Morning light in the kitchen

a letter to send to amigos in the USA

Leanne started to wash the car and Jesus took over
The cathedral where the orphanage is located

the  house looks great now the wood supports have gone

Spot the 'gringa' !!