Friday, January 1, 2016

We are back in Mexico after a lovely trip to Vancouver for Christmas.

Nicky and Phil looked after us really well while we were in Steveston. It was great to see so much of the kids - we have missed them these past 8 weeks.

The house is progressing incredibly well - the workers turn up every day at 7:15am and work flat out until 3:45 - 6 days days a week (finishing early on Saturday’s). We continue to provide plenty of beer and baking to keep them energized and it seems to be working.

On New Year’s Eve the concrete roof was poured - it involved many more workers than usual, including team of guys who mixed the cement, filled buckets and heaved them up to the roof one at a time in a chain. They literally didn’t stop from 7am to 5 pm when the whole roof was done.

We had no plans for NYE, but then Raul our builder/friend insisted we join his family for a traditional Mexican celebration. We were the only English speakers there, and learned about all their NYE rituals, including wearing red underwear (no one told us!), eating 12 grapes and wishing on each one, and a small bowl lentils which signifies having good employment for the coming year. Then literally sweeping the bad stuff out the door with a broom, each person had to run up and down the street carrying a suitcase to ensure safe travels!

Happy New Year to all our readers!!!
Looking up from the lot below us

The pool is starting to take shape

Raul & Georgina's family on New Year's Eve

Nicky & Phil Christmas Day

Sunday 'boozy brunch' at Fable

Ahhhh... Four Winds. I miss you (and the boys).

Christmas Day morning walk along the Fraser River

Brunch with N&P at Tsawwassen Springs

Buying corn from the back of a local's car.

The 'roof guys' were a different breed!

Cerveza - gracias!

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Things have to get bad before they get better

Me & Raul - NYE...

12 grapes (wishes) and lentils!

Raul's sister Sylvia - ensuring her year will be travel filled!

1 comment:

  1. The corn guys t-shirt: "don't laugh, its your girlfriends shirt" has given me a good giggle. Happy New Years rentals!!
