Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valerie, Leanne, Eve and Fod at the Carnaval

Sunset off the Malecon

The same guy Leanne had her photo with on Saturday night!

Santos on top of the roof

Rendering the walls one bucket at a time

The plasterers are characters!

Nice hat - made out of an empty plaster bag
Promoting drugs - at Pharmacias Similares (the same but cheaper!)

Terry accompanies the artist 'Batik'

We finally had to try the hot dog stand on the highway near home

Hot Dog 'con todo' totally hits the spot

Team 'PF squared' - Paul Freeman & Paul Fothergill

Leanne and Eve take the local 'colectivo' bus

This bus stops for gas!

The view from Ed's patio
We posted the photos first this time. They pretty much speak for themselves. It's great living here.
That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures... especially the final one. We can't wait to visit!! 3 weeks and counting!!!!
