Sunday, March 13, 2016

In contrast to the heat last week, this week we had one afternoon/evening of thundershowers! It was quite a storm with lightening, thunder, and heavy rain….  It was a good opportunity to see how the drains function on the new roof, and how the pool looks with some water in it! That was only one day, and since then it is beautiful again. (sorry - I know that Vancouver is expecting another wind storm this afternoon…..) 

“Joyce” the Jeep continues to get us around town -  we hope to hear more about our car this week. 

Paul was invited to play at the Todos Santos (town about 45 minutes away) Arts Festival last Friday night with the Baja California Sur State Orchestra. He has played with them once before…. They played in the very quaint theatre in the town square and it was fantastic! I was able to go along too on the “band bus” with all the Mexican musicians! 

Yesterday was a triple birthday celebration for some of our tennis friends, including Raul - our good friend and the Contractor who is building our house. There was an all-day tennis tournament at our neighbour Ed’s house, followed by a BBQ. It was fun, fun, fun - especially the Tecate Piñata! 

We are counting the sleeps now until Nicky and Phil come…… 6 or 7 sleeps depending on the flight availability. Woohoo! 

Our new fridge arriving - thanks Jesus (one of the tennis players, not the other guy)

The guys shelter from the rain

The new fire pit is a good place for a planning meeting

On the 'band bus' with the youth choir in the background

The evening finished with Mambo #8 - Google it for the original 1956 version!

I hate to think what this will be like when it freezes

Molly has had her nose in something again

Ed had a VIP court -side seat for the tournament 

With Georgina and new friend Selene.

Raul with home made card

The beer can piñata
lots of cakes

Tournament winners were also the birthday people!

1 comment:

  1. That birthday party looks epic!! And the house is looking amazing. We are so excited to visit!! xoxo
