Sunday, March 6, 2016

Wow! It is hot! The temperature has jumped in this last week, and we are averaging days between 30 and 35 degrees… Thankfully we always have a breeze up on this hillside, so the air is always moving. 

As some of you already know, we had a car accident a few weeks ago (we are fine!) but our car isn’t. “Stu” the Subaru got hit hard by a stolen pick up truck that was being chased by the Police. The car is still in the Police Impound yard pending the investigation, so we are on our 2nd Jeep in 2 weeks! Our neighbour Joyce has let us borrow her Jeep indefinitely (she has 2 cars here) and this is a huge help for us. Living outside of The Centro means a car is a must. Stay tuned for updates on this.

Lots of photos this week of the house progress. Shocking to see the first coat of Primer paint both inside and out! They started work on the exterior staircase too this week - it will be a lot easier than climbing the ladder to the top floor!  We are into choosing tiles and paint colours too now! 

We booked our flight home this week - April 26th. We were going to drive, but with “Stu’s” future undecided, we will fly - Molly in her crate and Paul’s computer and guitars in hard cases! We will be in Port Moody for the summer and plan to return here in Mid November at the latest.  Can’t wait to see all of you for lots of BBQ’s! 

The latest Jeep. Very thirsty, with paint damage from Hurricane Odile!
Coming together nicely. Just add water?

Molly likes the fire pit

The view from the upstairs bedroom

First coat of primer. Eventually the chain link will be a wall.

Soon they will start to tile the downstairs

Santos, Chowen and Jesus (with wheelbarrow) pouring the floor
Little fellow with the gammy arm
Downtown La Paz, back street

Big band rehearsal with (session legend) Willie Ornelas on drums

Favourite place for lunch.


  1. We are counting down! Margaritas and Mcfisher here we come!!
    P.S. You need to name that Jeep!

  2. We miss it so much! Wow the house looks so different from even a few weeks ago. We are counting down until you are home! J&K

  3. 'kin ell. Nice place!
