Monday, December 12, 2016

Another busy week. How does that happen?  We still have a lot to do with the house, and workers are here ever day doing finishing work. We have to make a few last design choices and choose some tiles. These things seem to take forever! 

Our car is an ongoing challenge. We went again to see it yesterday only to find out the Mechanic had done nothing - nothing!  We went to his work today and had a very hard word with him (all in Spanish!). We told him we were going to find another mechanic and we wanted our labour deposit back. We thought he was going to cry, he apologised, and said he would work night and day on it to get the motor started this week. We called tonight twice and he is there working. Paul said - no time to even sleep now  Edgar- just work on the car.  We will drive in again tomorrow to check. Exhausting, and time consuming but we need the car to be fixed.

Great gig on Sat night at La Morante Art Bar. Paul, Terry and guitarist Alex (who by day is an anaethesiologist !! )

I must admit, I am a little worried now about our lack of Christmas shopping - which is pretty much none! Challenging when you can’t ship from here, and we will be travelling with only carry-on bags.  Will have to do it all in the 2 days after we arrive in Vancouver on the 21st.

Short but sweet this week - oh and we only found out right now that we have no water until tomorrow because they are cleaning the tank. Oh well, we have tequila and no snow… (sorry about that… couldn’t resist it!)

Take your kid to work day at Casa Pithaya

The foundation of the pizza oven

This guy is an expert
Now we have to wait a week or more for it to fully dry out.

Canny marketing next to a speed bump - mexican 'bonsai'

paying our property taxes with 30% discount ( a lot less painful than in BC)

Paul's happy place on the roof

new remote control gate going in!

Very festive

Keep calm and eat chicken. Porque no?

All recycled stuff...

Amazing painted interior at a back street hotel

Saturday gig at La Morante Bar. Thanks Terry & Alex

Santa costume anyone?(while you wait for the light to change)