Wednesday, December 21, 2016

We’re sitting in Cabo San Lucas airport waiting for our flight back to Vancouver for Christmas. 

Looking forward to seeing family and friends, but not the weather! It has been absolutely beautiful apart from Monday this week, when it clouded over a bit!

We left the house this morning with Santos and Jesus working on the ‘media wall’ (where the TV will sit) - I just put something down on paper with a few measurements and they build it! Earlier in the week they did a concrete bedhead with built in tables and lights, plus some concrete shelves in the bedroom… everything’s in concrete! They will continue to work while we’re away and we think that will be the end of all the dusty, messy projects.

We finally moved out of the casita, and spent last night in the casa guest room. After 5 years of vacationing and living over the last year, we will miss it (even though it’s only next door!) We have it rented out next week and for 10 days in mid January… AirBnB is working well, and we need to put it on VRBO too.

On Monday there was an end-of-year party for the Big Band. Terry and Valerie did a great job organising it, with carne asada and free beer all night, payed for by donations from our last few gigs! There was even an eight piece mariachi band!

Thanks to all the people who have told us they like to read our blog… we will continue next year. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all our readers!

Still looking for the right hat - this is close, but too small

The wheelbarrow BBQ - great idea, and easy to move around too!

big band party!
Stu is in good hands - we like Filberto

We are again cautiously optimistic... 

Our first post delivery was the electric bill. The postman wouldn't leave until he got his Christmas tip!

Jesus keeps bringing us more cardons(cactus) for the new garden

Molly is staying here for Christmas. They weren't happy to find that were are feeding her cheese and hot dogs!

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