Monday, January 30, 2017

Welcome to this week’s edition of Gardening World. It’s all about Carlos ‘The Palm Guy’ and his ‘helpers’ (we never got to know their names, we’re not sure Carlos knows either). 
Leanne, Mary and Nance went with him earlier in the week to choose some nice plants at a random place just the other side of the main road. It’s not like it’s a nursery, it’s just his friend Augustino’s property and everything is for sale. Carlos speaks perfect english because he worked for 12 years in the US, but he is a man of few words and most of time you get a ‘yep’ in response to most questions. But he really knows his stuff and really cares about it. 
They planted a lot different things, some we picked up at local viveros, some ‘rescued’ from just outside our lot on the street. And now we have the start of a lovely desert garden.
The highlight was Sunday afternoon when we returned to the house to find Carlos’ truck stopped in the middle of the road, yards from our house with a massive date palm on the trailer - he was no where to be seen. He eventually returned and said that he had run out of gas - because someone had syphoned the gas out of his tank the night before! 
There followed a 3 hour job of manoeuvring the huge palm into the huge hole they had dug. It was a demonstration of old school technique, pivots, chains and pulleys - similar to what must have been used to construct the Aztec pyramids! The photos do not do it justice. But it was a very enjoyable afternoon.

Nance and Mary have gone on a 4 day kayaking trip to the islands, we will see them again on Thursday. More blog to come soon.
Hanging out at Augustino's place

Off we go with another agave

He's handsome devil, Carlos

The most expensive blue palm

Leanne pretending to help

Little helper 'Gaia' at the local nursery

Run out of gas...

Leanne pretending to help

Almost done - 3 hours later!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

I can’t guarantee the quality of the blog this week. It is late on Sunday evening and we have just finished playing “Exploding Kittens” with our guests Nance and Mary. Mojitos have been consumed and a few red wines with dinner.

It has been a good week. We picked up ‘Stu” the Subaru at Filiberto’s on Wednesday and he drives well. Unbelievable considering the massive damage to the front end. The two mechanics would have been absolute heroes, but for the fact that the job took about 4 months longer than it should have! But it’s so nice to have our own vehicle back in the driveway.

We have had renters in the casita this week - two very nice people from New York. They loved the place (and La Paz in general) and have given us a nice review on AirBnB.

The pool has been repaired and filled, and we hope to receive the solar panels at the end of next week. 
That's all for tonight... hasta luego.

Filiberto and Stu

Our friend Terry knows a lot more about cars than we do.

Raul is confident this will be the last time the pool is filled

Modifications to the barbecue. 

Back in business.


Until the shipment from Guadalajara arrives, this is our living room furniture!

Monday, January 16, 2017

We have been on “lock-down” as we still have no car! Supposed to be ready yesterday, and now it is Wednesday - FOR SURE.  They say they needed more time for the painting (it’s been almost a year!), but we are picking it up regardless — painted or not! It will be so nice to not have to chase after the mechanic anymore… adios Edgar.

We have had a busy week settling into our Casa. The Casita is currently rented out to a nice young couple from New York - we are getting used to the idea of having people on the property. We have a privacy screen up now so they (and us) have a separation of outside terrace space. We just had another 2 week booking for the end of February, so that is awesome!

I have booked my flights back to Vancouver to spend time with Mom. Will be in Ladner from Feb 19th until March 5th.  Pop me an email if anyone would like a walk/ drink(yes!) or a visit. 

We are looking forward to more visitors here in La Paz this week.  On Thursday Nance (former colleague at Canuck Place) and Mary arrive. Too bad we have NO furniture…. They have been warned, and still want to come! We are hoping it will be shipped in from Guadalajara before the end of the month.

First time using the new BBQ.
Cooked a whole flattened out chicken, and improvised with local stones

very successful result!

Jorge  doing a 'forensic' clean. Literally brushing all the cement into the ShopVac.

Pool problems... one thing at a time, lets get the car back first.

This is what we're down to... sadly watching Corrie on a couple of crappy deckchairs.

Who knew we had cows in the hood?
...and horses too!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

We are on our last night here in Guadalajara. It seems like ages since our last blog and a lot of things have happened.
We travelled back to Vancouver on Dec 21 arriving late to stay with Nicky & Phil in Steveston. We got a call on Friday lunch time from the hospital to tell us there were complications with the Leanne's Dads heart valve procedure. The whole family was at St Paul’s for the next two days while the ICU staff did everything they could for Graham. Unfortunately, he passed away at 6:20 pm on Christmas Eve. It was a sad time. People have said that it must have seemed worse because of the timing, but in fact, it was a blessing because almost everyone was there, which is unusual. 
Christmas Day was great, and we toasted Poppa with Phil’s homemade eggnog and had some real laughs after dinner playing games and generally releasing the tension.

Shirley was incredibly strong throughout and the following week she insisted we carry on with our plans to go to Guadalajara to buy furniture for the new house.

As you can see from the photos below, we were pretty busy. We got fixed up with most of the larger items, couch, outside furniture, dining table/chairs, bar stools (very important!). We had a great guide (Raul #2) who showed us all the places to go and also gave us a guided tour of the city centre on the last day. We stayed at a really nice hotel - The Quinta Don Jose in Tlaquepaque - a genuinely friendly, small, family run place with great food, close to everything.

We will send the next blog from La Paz. Happy New Year to all.

Christmas morning with Nicky's latest baking creation

The Nog Master

Perfect glasses for the job

Christmas sweaters with dinosaurs (Monty looks slightly embarrassed)

First night in Guadalajara - we went to an English-style pub!

This is where our 'equipales' furniture will be made.

They literally do everything here - including the leather!

Marco is the 'jeffe' in charge
It's a family operation, Grandma (left) keeps her eye on the operation.

Raul #2

This will be great for our entrance hall!

There are smiling pigs everywhere (each sponsored like the orcas around Vancouver)

Church service in the Centro

Listening to the mariachis at El Parian

"Lighting Warehouse" Guadalajara style...

Leanne wouldn't let me buy this.

Independencia Street

We could have taken photos at every pig (but we didn't!)

Great food, washed down with local craft beer
Incredibly powerful murals by Jose Clemente Orozco, (who was nearly blind and only had one arm!) 

Punter shot...

More Orozco murals

Selfie looking towards the opera house

We were slightly apprehensive when Raul #2 took us to this place
It turned out to be César's studio...

we are going to ask him to do some art for the new house

Lunch at El Patio - everyone has to have a flag

The all-girl mariachi band plays "Brazil" 

Yes Ruth, Sheldon and Hoto - the bass player has a six string!

Not pigs this time - Catrinas

This is where we bought a lot of our furniture.