Sunday, January 22, 2017

I can’t guarantee the quality of the blog this week. It is late on Sunday evening and we have just finished playing “Exploding Kittens” with our guests Nance and Mary. Mojitos have been consumed and a few red wines with dinner.

It has been a good week. We picked up ‘Stu” the Subaru at Filiberto’s on Wednesday and he drives well. Unbelievable considering the massive damage to the front end. The two mechanics would have been absolute heroes, but for the fact that the job took about 4 months longer than it should have! But it’s so nice to have our own vehicle back in the driveway.

We have had renters in the casita this week - two very nice people from New York. They loved the place (and La Paz in general) and have given us a nice review on AirBnB.

The pool has been repaired and filled, and we hope to receive the solar panels at the end of next week. 
That's all for tonight... hasta luego.

Filiberto and Stu

Our friend Terry knows a lot more about cars than we do.

Raul is confident this will be the last time the pool is filled

Modifications to the barbecue. 

Back in business.


Until the shipment from Guadalajara arrives, this is our living room furniture!


  1. YAY! A Car and a Pool - You guys are in great shape and will be even better once the furniture arrives. Looks like lots of fun!

  2. Man oh man that pool looks delightful.
