Monday, January 16, 2017

We have been on “lock-down” as we still have no car! Supposed to be ready yesterday, and now it is Wednesday - FOR SURE.  They say they needed more time for the painting (it’s been almost a year!), but we are picking it up regardless — painted or not! It will be so nice to not have to chase after the mechanic anymore… adios Edgar.

We have had a busy week settling into our Casa. The Casita is currently rented out to a nice young couple from New York - we are getting used to the idea of having people on the property. We have a privacy screen up now so they (and us) have a separation of outside terrace space. We just had another 2 week booking for the end of February, so that is awesome!

I have booked my flights back to Vancouver to spend time with Mom. Will be in Ladner from Feb 19th until March 5th.  Pop me an email if anyone would like a walk/ drink(yes!) or a visit. 

We are looking forward to more visitors here in La Paz this week.  On Thursday Nance (former colleague at Canuck Place) and Mary arrive. Too bad we have NO furniture…. They have been warned, and still want to come! We are hoping it will be shipped in from Guadalajara before the end of the month.

First time using the new BBQ.
Cooked a whole flattened out chicken, and improvised with local stones

very successful result!

Jorge  doing a 'forensic' clean. Literally brushing all the cement into the ShopVac.

Pool problems... one thing at a time, lets get the car back first.

This is what we're down to... sadly watching Corrie on a couple of crappy deckchairs.

Who knew we had cows in the hood?
...and horses too!


  1. Fingers crossed you guys get the car back on Wednesday!!!

  2. Me too! Can hardly wait to see the casa with furniture! xo Jill
