Monday, March 13, 2017

It’s been a few weeks since our last blog. I was in Ladner with Mom for 2 weeks until last Monday, and Paul was here in La Paz with Molly. Mom and I flew down a week ago, and since then it has been a busy time.

Big news… we finally caved and bought a TV… We have enjoyed watching “The Crown” on Netflix this week.

This last weekend was birthday celebrations for Raul - all weekend!  Saturday night was the surprise “Cowboy” themed party out at his Ranch.   He had no idea - it was great fun -  even Gregorio (Carpenter by day, Cowboy by weekend) brought his horse Zarco!  Lots of rides - so much fun!

Sunday - more birthday celebrations - a tennis tournament, followed by Quesadillas, a Piñata, and Mexican folk songs from “Eduardo” on the guitar. So nice to be included.

Today “we” (Carlos and his helper) planted 2 new Coco Palm trees in our yard. We drove out with Carlos yesterday into the “hood” to see what was available. We found some in a local Mexicans property who is moving, and they were happy to be selling them.  Carlos and his helper worked so hard in the blazing sun to bring in and plant the 2 palms - the large one is about 20 feet tall, so it was a challenge.  They had access to the beer fridge which helped!

We are starting to think about the summer and where/how to be closer to Mom in Ladner, Nicky and Phil in Steveston, and the excitement and plans for the Jonathan and Kendriannes’ wedding in August.  If anyone knows anyone who would like “house sitters” (with a dog) we would love to chat. Please spread the word. We are good nomads! We are back May 13th.

The La Paz Big Band - nice people

McFisher's for lunch

Shirley is serenaded
Raul was totally surprised by the party.

Not a natural

Leanne's new best friend, "Zarko"

Raul & Rick challenge each other's 'macho-ness'

This was approximately the 5th or 6th round...

New tables. (Made by weekend cowboy Gregorio, who owns Zarko the horse!)

New Coco palms going in.

Ed helping to demolish Raul's piñata

Singing mexican songs at the end of the night

Traditional tennis and 5 beer breakfast to follow...
And... in case anyone didn't know. We are going to be Grandparents soon. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! Baby Cowan!!! Very happy for all of you. ❤❤❤
