Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Mom is on her way back to Vancouver (as I write) after almost a month in sunny Mexico. I think (hope) she had a nice visit, and a chance to re-charge her batteries and rest.  We will be back in Vancouver for the summer in another 7 weeks (unbelievable). We have had some offers to house sit, but are still looking to add more to the calendar. Let us know if you hear of anything.

All is well here - the weather is perfect and the solar panels for the pool are working beautifully. We still have lots to do around the house, but it is coming together bit by bit.

We have had some fun 'pizza parties' here with friends and Paul is getting to be an expert. It seems the pizza oven is not only providing great food, but also great entertainment.

Paul played a few gigs last week, and is looking forward to the The La Paz Jazz Festival this Saturday. 

It is Ed’s 96th (!!!) birthday party on Sunday, so next weeks blog should be more exciting than this one!  Ed says the only thing he wants for his birthday this year is a “Trump” PiƱata - our friend Raul is working on that!

We are starting to get really excited about Jonathan & Kendrianne’s wedding in August, and also baby Cowan arriving in September. How lucky we are.
Shirley enjoys her tacos!

Desperate times, desperate wine.

Assistant chef Townson 

Wide shorts, bad hat.

Cuban dominoes at Ed's on Sunday. Leanne wins big.

No idea why Santa is nailed to a cactus... weird. 
Gig at Ruby's with Terry

Listo! With the new table decoration from Guadalajara 

No words are needed. (Jonathan & Phil)

Dove nesting in the palapa

Spring is here.

More helpers in the pizza kitchen 
Navarro pizza especial
La Morante gig Friday. (Photo: Norm Stang)

Carlos and Ramon releasing the palm

Dinner at Ed's with the Kansas visitors

It's always good to check Google translate before you press send


  1. Awesome photos as always! Wow 7 weeks, we can't wait! J&K

  2. This provided some much needed chuckles this week. Thank you!

  3. ha! love the hat, pool, pizzas and google translate.

  4. Google translate!! Glad your Mom had a good time. See you soon! xo J
