Sunday, April 23, 2017

What crappy bloggers we are! It’s been 3 weeks since our last blog.

We have had more visitors in recent weeks - Kathy and Erica Scott for a week, and now Helga for a week.  We are so pleased that our friends and family want to visit - we really mean it when we say “Nuestra Casa es tu Casa”. 

We had lots of fun with Kathy and Erica - it was their first visit to La Paz so we tried to show them as much as we could - the beach, the boat to Espiritos Santos to swim with the Sea Lions and the Whale Sharks, great fish tacos, pool time, Margaritas, Pizza Party, Exploding Kittens (card game - you know who you are if you have been here and become addicted) and surfing at Los Cerritos….Phew - lots of fun. 

Last night we had our first big party (“fiesta”) here at the house for the Tennis group. All 22 here were Mexicanos… we have learned that their focus is all about “Eat, Drink, and be Merry…. sing loudly but  badly and not care….The teens were in the pool, the men close to the fire (is this a Caveman thing?) and the women chatting, laughing….. A late night, but so fun to host for our friends.

With 3 weeks left until we fly back to Vancouver for the summer , we have booked a short vacation this week. We take the Baja Ferry overnight Thursday to Mazatlan for 3 days, then drive to Guadalajara (5 hours) for 4 days. We will be with our Mexican friends Raul and Georgina - how awesome to have our own drivers, guides and translators! 

Erica after her first visit to Jorge's bar (fully clothed) 
Sea lion colony - Espiritos Santos

VBF - Very Big Fish (taken by Kathy Scott)
Cervezas in the pool

Too many people in the kitchen

Burgers in the oven!

So many group photos!

Helga, Leanne & Georgina

Mexicans at night (around 1:30 am)

Canciones tradicionales con mucho tequila
Molly's breakfast

Señor Chili

VW Beetle rally, with the kids on top

La Morante, with Terry and Chris Kennedy (photo: Emilio Arce Medina)

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