Saturday, March 28, 2020

Back to Vancouver March 2020

We are writing this from 'the bunker' in North Vancouver, thanks to Jonathan and Kendrianne for setting us up for our 14 days of mandatory quarantine. 
We flew back Thursday on the last flight out of Cabo. We would like to express HUGE thanks to Captain Gibson and the crew of Air Canada 979. We had a brief moment of panic when were sitting on the plane and they said they didn’t have enough room for all the dogs on board.
The Captain made the decision to allow 2 in the cabin… what a guy! So our 50lb hairy pet Molly, sat on Leanne’s knee most of the way home!
We spent our last 10 days in La Paz keeping our distance, and sadly didn't get to say adios to friends and favourite places in person. We will also miss our neighbour Ed's 99th birthday. We hope he has a safe trip back to Colorado on Tuesday.
Best wishes to everyone at this weird time. We hope you stay safe and illness free.
And we hope to return to La Paz again in November.

Tennis 2 weeks ago. Before social distancing became the norm
The gate to Ed's house closes for another year.

Nice afternoon nap...

Spring nesting

The minutes add up to 37+ hours! In the end they cancelled all flights!

A cheerful new mural on the back of a bank

'Kevin the Kayak' was put to good use

I was very late planting veggies this year. 

I love you Stu (the Subaru)!

The date palm is flowering

We went north from our place to avoid the crowds at the beach

Random cattle action on our street!

Last cocktails in the 'members only' section on the roof.

Very quiet at Cabo airport

The dog got an upgrade to business class. (Don't get used to it Molly!)

Musician's joke...

Construction begins. Not sure Oakley is too keen on the Grandparents living next door!

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