Saturday, December 19, 2020

December 2020

November 2nd was supposed to be the day we flew back to La Paz to start another 6 months in Mexico. But this year is different, we are staying here in Vancouver to be near Leanne’s Mum and have re-booked to fly there at the end of April  - our friend Helga has kindly offered to be a sitter for Molly the dog. We hope things Covid-wise have settled down by then.

We have been living in Ladner since early September in our new little place, next door to Nicky & Phil's house. It is everything we planned for and more. We are very pleased with every aspect, and it’s so nice to have all our stuff unpacked after 5 years of nomad living.

Thanks to Jonathan & Kendrianne for putting us up (and putting up with us!) over the summer. We had a great time living in Lynn Valley and love our visits back there. Speaking of J&K, we can now spread the news that we will be grandparents again this coming March! Wow, we are so lucky. That is another reason we are staying here in Canada!

The past few weeks have been different and difficult. In order to follow the rules and protect Leanne's Mum, we decided to be very cautious and have separated ourselves from the Cowans next door. So our time with the little ones is limited to short visits outside - this will apply all through Christmas and until Shirley gets her vaccination - hopefully in January.

As usual, the photos tell the story. We will do another blog probably next year - there’s not much stuff going on to write about!

If anyone would like to do a Zoom Happy Hour, please get in touch.

We wish everyone a happy and healthy rest of the year. Here’s to 2021!

Family dinner in July at Jonathan & Kendrianne's

Oakley's 1st birthday - with Mexican theme
Luckily I dont have a lot of work to do in the office!

Jonathan made a birthday cake from scratch for Leanne's 60th

Another visit to the north shore

Our first meal at 'casita norte' on September 5th
The dyke at Boundary Bay is great for walks

Things are taking shape in the office! (room for one more?)

Rylie turned three in September
A purple dinosaur cake was requested

The nightly 'nudie show' on our patio is an unexpected bonus!
And there's lots of help in the kitchen too!

We enjoy our 'mini breaks' in North Vancouver!

We are still waiting for the real fridge (on order since May!)
Molly likes her new place
Could we have another bass player in the family?

The doctor's surgery has had to be suspended

Halloween finally comes!

Little fella!

Christmas is pretty exciting for a 3 year old!

Brody has yet to hear the news!!

Merry Christmas! Here's to 2021!


  1. Fantastic👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Thank you for sharing. Beautiful family and a blessing you have been able to spend Extra time with them this year. Santa has the right idea for the end of 2020🤣🤣🤣. Miss you guys

  2. Always love you guys and your big smiles. You bring joy wherever you go and whomever you are with. Love the Santa - 2020 can piss off now haha. Best wishes to all of you for the Season. Russell and Christine

  3. Your new place looks wonderful. and your family is precious. Stay safe and come back soon. We miss you guys.

  4. Great post - Always love your updates Paul and Leanne! Truly a beautiful family :) And Casita Norte looks great!

  5. Wonderful year considering! Great pictures! Beautiful family! So much to be thankful for! Grandparents again! Enjoy! Your new place looks great!
