Saturday, October 24, 2015

the U-Pac storage locker was delivered to the driveway on Wednesday and Thursday Phil came over and helped us pack it.... Actually he did most of it! And, it all fitted with room to spare.
All our worldly possessions in a 9'x7'x9' box. Yesterday, we packed the car and remarkably that all fitted too! Every single square inch of car was used, including the roof.
Managed to squeeze one last Friday afternoon visit to Four Winds - thanks for the beers Rich.
Then to Kathy & Iain's for dinner and overnight accommodation. Thank you so much for putting us up last night. Great food and company.
We got up at 6am (slightly dissappointed the neighbours didn't line the street to wave us off) and hit the road soon after. The border was a breeze. I thought the guy was going to be a real you know what, but after a brief conversation, he said on your way. So we went!
Smooth drive down through Washington state and we arrived in downtown Eugene, Oregon around 3pm. Going to have pizza tonight and early bed ready for another early start in the morning. Molly was so well behaved, she just sat and waited quietly the whole journey. She doesn't understand what's going on, but is pretty happy!

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