Friday, October 30, 2015

OK, we’re here in La Paz, and it is really beautiful. We arrived yesterday afternoon around 1pm, an hour or more earlier than expected. We found a bunch of Raul’s guys doing last minute touch ups and his brother Rene was vigorously dusting the inside of the casita. We left them to it and went shopping because they obviously had everything timed for our expected arrival.
Raul our friend/builder/tennis partner came to meet us and sat on the patio for a couple of beers. It was great to see him again. He said “ I have a new girlfriend… and we are getting married!” He said he had never been happier in his whole life. He met Georgina in August (I know…!) and was waiting for our arrival to fix the date in November. So we have a Mexican wedding to look forward to! 

Anyway, back tracking to our drive down the Carreterra Transpeninsular… What an incredible experience. So many different types of terrain - through mountains, high sierra, low lands swathed in Pacific fog… Flintstone/Bedrock scenery near Catavina - huge boulders piled high both sides of the road. And the cactus selection changed as we drove further south. Initially, a mix of Yukkas and tall spindly/hairy cactus with a tufts at the top - Dr Suess style. Eventually to the predominant Cardons and Pithaya we have here. Leanne drove the WHOLE way, she is thinking of a new career as a “Baja Trucker”. Ive attached some photos, which don’t really do it justice.

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