Monday, November 2, 2015

Wow, what an interesting couple of days. We have had everything from happiness to frustration and everything in between. The biggest challenge so far has been the internet (or lack of it!). Paul has tried everything, including getting Christian (the local IT guru) here for 3 hours but to no avail. So, you will see in the photos Freeman Design in 3 different locations - in the Casita, on the roof (many wires and connections) and now in our neighbour Ed’s spare bedroom until we get our Telmex contract up and running. 

Today was fantastic - it is “Tennis Sunday”  at our neighbours - Paul played tennis for hours, and I bonded with the Mexican women who were preparing a feast of breaded camarones (shrimp) for everyone. What a wonderful day of new friends. We also found out today that we have been invited to another wedding on November 28th - Myrna and Ron - Canadians who live near by and we have known for some years. How fun! 

We have posted a few photos of the view at sunrise and the almost full moon on the night we arrived with the city lights flickering in the background….

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting Raul and Georgina for drinks, and then our friends Terry and Valerie came for a great dinner of parrot fish fresh from the fish market in town. Check out their awesome home made Halloween costumes that they had worn the night before!

So, tomorrow is another day - in Mexico it it is El Dia de Los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) a holiday for some - but hopefully not for Telemex - we need our internet contract!

Adios Amigos.

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