Saturday, November 7, 2015

As we sit here on our front deck - Saturday night 6:00 pm,  we are listening to a full Mariachi band playing their lungs out at a private party (maybe a wedding?) on the property below us.  They are fantastic - it is very Mexican to say the least.

Other big news..  We have internet! Finally! After another visit to the Telmex office Thursday afternoon, and another reassuring sales guy in a suit saying the technician will come - finally they did, and we are a go! At the office on Thursday we said "We haven't payed anything yet". And the Telmex guy in the suit said "Oh, you will get a bill sometime... As a private company, in Mexico we are not allowed to bill customers direct, so we send the bills to the government. They will probably send it to you sometime in a month or so" - I said "Well that works for us!"

This morning we had an early start - into town for a walk along the Malecon (a passerby offered to take our picture) and then onto the local organic market. The products were beautiful and fresh, but really expensive - so things from that market will be special treats in future. Example: and small bag of blueberries = $8 Cdn

We came back to our "hood" El Centenario via the "Segundas" (second hand stores), where we picked up a nice pizza pan. We finished up our shopping at the local tiendas (shops) - see pics of the Tortellaria, Carnecaria, and Pescaderia.

The house construction continues, the guys have worked so hard all week, and they do a half day on Saturdays. Raul told us not to give them beer until they finished Saturday at 1pm... We didn't know if we would be back in time, so we left a case of Tecate beer with the "heffe" Santos to say thank you. We got back earlier before noon, and a quick check of the cooler revealed 10 beers gone (4 guys still digging!)

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