Tuesday, November 3, 2015

First thing - get into town to the Telmex office. Good news - it was open! We thought it may have closed for the Day of the Dead Holiday…. Because we are on a “rustic” lot out of town, it isn’t straightforward (of course it isn’t!) - they will be calling us in the the next 5 - 10 business days to come out and see if they can get a line out to us….. stand by. In the meantime, Paul is working out of Ed’s second bedroom!

The construction started today on the house. Not really construction, but the boys were here and starting to plot out the “points” for the exterior walls - see the pics - they use bits of scrap wood and fishing line - there are no sophisticated lasers, or any technical equipment at all, but we are confident they know what they are doing! 

Molly has found the perfect vantage point to make herself known to the locals. At the top of the spiral staircase up to the roof, she can see everything from there!

Ed our neighbour has just arrived from Colorado so we have to go and welcome him back (i.e.: drink wine).

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