Thursday, November 5, 2015

Yesterday afternoon the phone rang, and a Spanish voice said “it’s Telmex, I am coming to do your internet installation”. Paul said “when”? and he said - “vente minutos” (20 minutes!) Wow! We were expecting the end of next week. But, guess what?  Still no internet today. The modum is here, the cable is connected (see photo of Telmex guy up the pole)  but apparently there is a problem at the “officina”. So it’s mañana (tomorrow) again. 

The builders have been working really hard this week digging the foundations for the house - all by hand. They take it in turns to wield a pick axe and shovel in the blazing hot sun.  We made a few changes today to the floor plan in an effort to save as many of the 100 plus year old cactuses that are on the property. The good news is, I found some M & M’s today in the local tienda (shop) and I am going to make the boys some cookies tomorrow to give them energy!

I also made some “Jamaica” juice today (see photo) It is made from flower petals and is bright purple. Supposed to be good also with Vodka……. 

Also attaching a photo of the local Ice Cream guy in the neighbourhood - not quite the same as in Canada but still had the music! And a pic of our cactus garden - which continues to survive and actually thrive.
Off to the office!

1 comment:

  1. That juice looks yummy!
    Good luck with the Internet!
    Nicky and Phil
