Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We are settling into a great routine - up early and out for a walk on the hillside before it gets too hot.  See the photo of me with my 3 four legged friends who join me as I pass their house everyday.  Too bad Molly can’t come, but she would be so stressed out. She is happy though, as she has a huge yard to play in and spends a lot of time outside and has a good bark every now and again. She also joined in on our Yoga on the roof the other day! 

Day 9 of Construction - these guys are working really hard. Everything is “old school” and takes time. We wondered if a Cement truck would show up to mix the concrete for the foundations, but no, these guys are mixing it themselves in a mixer. We put in a photo of Day 1 and now Day 9 so you can see the changes. I made them chocolate cupcakes today to keep their energy up! 

They had to move a large, old cactus today  (see pic) as it was impossible to re-arrange the floor plan to keep it there. Super heavy - it’s full of water. 

Paul played a lot of tennis again on Sunday - he is keeping up with the Mexicans really well! 

One of the best players on Sunday - Tone (84!) 
Playing doubles with Raul (our builder/friend)

Santos on the right is the Foreman 

this guy set up under one of our trees - to build the rebar

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