Thursday, November 26, 2015

Almost a week since we last blogged-  time flies!

Paul played in the US "CHOPEN" tennis tournament last Sunday - 17 teams of mostly Mexicans with a few "gringos" in the mix.  Paul was paired with Gene - a Korean fellow who lives in San Diego and has a house here. What a nice guy and lot of fun. The final was hard fought between 2 Mexican teams and a meal of "Posele" was served - pork hocks cooked with swelled corn kernels in a broth - Mexican comfort food and super yummy!

I had the opportunity to go out with a friend Val to an elementary school in the Colonias de Guadaloupe on Tuesday. This is a very poor neighborhood outside of the city. She and another volunteer Edwardo were doing a workshop on water filtration with some of the Moms from the village. These families have only a very limited supply of water and it is not drinkable.  The organization Waves for Water supplies the bucket and filtration system and Val and Edwardo provide the education to enable these families to have clean water. Really interesting and great to be part of. The kids are also super cute - see pics!

Our house construction is moving along "muy rapido!" See the pics - we have not only walls, but rooms! Unbelievable hard work for the guys.

Couldn't resist also adding the photos of my drive home on Thursday from town - the main Trans Peninsular highway (Highway One) was at a stand still for the herd of cattle that was crossing.. had to snap a photo it was so ridiculous!

Tonight we are watching Hurricane Sandra very closely - the latest Hurricane on record for this part of the world. Looks to be tracking south of Cabo now, so will have our fingers crossed. Our first experience of this so we will be bringing everything inside tonight just in case - for sure there will be rain, but it is the wind that is unpredictable. We hope that it passes before the wedding we are attending on the beach on Saturday too!

1 comment:

  1. Those kids are too cute! Please keep us posted about the hurricane! Xoxo
